

Important Information before registering:

  • 2021 born Tiny Tots must already be 3 years old at the time of registration. If your athlete is not yet 3 years old, you will need to wait and register them once they have turned 3.
  • This season there is a new registration platform called RevSport and all registered athletes (new ans returning) will be required to upload a proof of age document being a Birth Certificate or Passport at the time of registration. If you do not have either of these documents, please inbox us on facebook or contact us on 0436 419 370.
  • Unless you have previously registered  for an Athletics NSW (not Little Athletics NSW) event using RevSport, all athletes will need to use the "New Member" option when registering.
  • If you are using an Active Kids Voucher and it does not apply or you do not see the option to had the Active Kids Voucher, do not proceed with the registration and contact us immediately!
  • Please read all information messages on before starting your registration
  • By registering with Minchinbury Little Athletics Centre Inc, you acknowledge that your child(ren) must attend and participate at 75% of Friday Club competition nights (not including cancellations) for your child(ren) to be eligible for any and all awards at the end of season presentation.
  • Uniforms are compulsory for all athletes (including Tiny Tots). Uniform fees are not included in the registration fees. Uniforms can only be purchased directly from the Club. For uniform prices, click here.

For any enquiries, please contact us via email, facebook messenger or on 0436 419 370


  • You will receive an email which will have information on how to collect your registration pack and purchase a uniform - please look out for this in you spam/junk folders.
  • Registration Pack collection and uniform sales are of a Friday night at the oval strictly between 4:30pm and 5:30pm so please ensure you attend between this time to ensure your athlete can compete that night.


We offer a 2 week trial period for new athletes. The trial period is $20 (cash only) and if you decide to register the $20 cash will be refunded after the full registration is paid and registration pack collected.

If you wish to sign up for a 2 week trial period before registering, please to a Friday night competition night between 4:30pm and 5:30pm to complete the relevant paper work.

Please bring with you a Birth Certificate or Passport for proof of age

For any enquiries, please contact us via email, facebook messenger or on 0436 419 370